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Answered on 08 Jan Learn CSS

Nazia Khanum

As an experienced tutor registered on UrbanPro.com specializing in CSS coaching and training, I understand the importance of mastering various aspects of CSS, including integrating it with popular frameworks like Angular. In this response, I will guide you on how to add multiple CSS classes in Angular,... read more

As an experienced tutor registered on UrbanPro.com specializing in CSS coaching and training, I understand the importance of mastering various aspects of CSS, including integrating it with popular frameworks like Angular. In this response, I will guide you on how to add multiple CSS classes in Angular, emphasizing NG class and development.

Adding Multiple CSS Classes in Angular

1. Understanding NG Class:

  • ngClass is a powerful Angular directive that allows dynamic addition and removal of CSS classes based on certain conditions.
  • It enhances the flexibility of styling elements within Angular components.

2. Syntax for Adding Multiple Classes:

  • Use the [ngClass] binding to dynamically apply multiple classes.
  • The syntax involves providing an object where keys are class names, and values are boolean expressions determining whether the class should be applied.
<div [ngClass]="{'class1': condition1, 'class2': condition2, 'class3': condition3}"> <!-- Your content here --> </div>

3. Example:

  • Let's consider a practical example where we want to apply styles based on certain conditions.
<div [ngClass]="{'error': isError, 'success': isSuccess, 'warning': isWarning}"> <!-- Your content here --> </div>
  • Here, the classes 'error', 'success', and 'warning' will be applied dynamically based on the boolean values of isError, isSuccess, and isWarning.

4. Dynamically Binding Classes:

  • Utilize Angular's component properties or methods to dynamically bind classes based on the application's logic.
  • This ensures a responsive and adaptive styling approach.
export class YourComponent { isError: boolean = true; isSuccess: boolean = false; isWarning: boolean = true; }

Best Online Coaching for CSS Training

1. UrbanPro CSS Coaching:

  • For comprehensive CSS coaching and training, consider enrolling in UrbanPro's online courses.
  • Expert tutors, registered on UrbanPro, offer personalized guidance and practical insights into web development technologies.

2. Benefits of UrbanPro CSS Coaching:

  • Access to experienced tutors with a proven track record in CSS training.
  • Flexible schedules to accommodate your learning preferences.
  • Interactive sessions and hands-on projects for practical skill development.

3. Register for CSS Coaching on UrbanPro:

  • Visit UrbanPro.com to explore a range of CSS coaching options.
  • Choose a tutor based on their expertise, reviews, and availability.
  • Experience personalized CSS training to enhance your skills in web development.

In conclusion, mastering the art of adding multiple CSS classes in Angular is crucial for effective web development. Consider enrolling in UrbanPro's CSS coaching to receive expert guidance and stay ahead in your learning journey.

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Answered on 08 Jan Learn CSS

Nazia Khanum

As an experienced tutor registered on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of providing clear and concise guidance to students seeking CSS coaching and training. One common question often arises in the realm of web development: "How do I add a CSS class to a textbox in JavaScript?" Below is a step-by-step... read more

As an experienced tutor registered on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of providing clear and concise guidance to students seeking CSS coaching and training. One common question often arises in the realm of web development: "How do I add a CSS class to a textbox in JavaScript?" Below is a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this task seamlessly.

Methods for Adding CSS Class to a Textbox in JavaScript:

  1. Using the classList Property:

    • The classList property is an effective way to manipulate classes in JavaScript.

    • To add a CSS class to a textbox, you can use the add method of the classList property.



    • // Select the textbox element by its ID var textboxElement = document.getElementById('yourTextBoxId'); // Add the desired CSS class textboxElement.classList.add('yourCssClass');
  • Using the className Property:

    • Another approach is to directly manipulate the className property of the textbox element.



    • // Select the textbox element by its ID var textboxElement = document.getElementById('yourTextBoxId'); // Append the desired CSS class to the existing classes textboxElement.className += ' yourCssClass';

Best Practices for CSS Coaching: As a CSS coach, it's essential to guide students not only on the technical aspects but also on best practices. Here are some tips:

  • Semantic Class Names:

    • Encourage the use of semantic class names that reflect the purpose or style of the textbox.
  • Consistent Naming Conventions:

    • Emphasize the importance of consistent naming conventions to maintain code readability and scalability.
  • Separation of Concerns:

    • Advocate for separating CSS styles from JavaScript logic for cleaner code organization.

CSS Online Coaching: For those seeking CSS coaching online, it's crucial to adapt teaching methods to the online format. Here are some considerations:

  • Interactive Sessions:

    • Conduct interactive sessions with live coding examples to enhance understanding.
  • Use of Visual Aids:

    • Utilize visual aids, such as screen sharing and diagrams, to illustrate concepts effectively.
  • Assignments and Practice:

    • Provide assignments and practical exercises to reinforce learning and skill development.

Conclusion: Adding a CSS class to a textbox in JavaScript is a fundamental skill for web developers. By following these methods and best practices, students can enhance their understanding of the process and improve their overall proficiency in CSS. For more personalized guidance, consider enrolling in an online CSS coaching program for in-depth and hands-on learning experiences.

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Answered on 08 Jan Learn CSS

Nazia Khanum

As a registered CSS coaching and training expert on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of addressing specific queries related to CSS and web development. In response to your question about toggling more than one CSS class on different conditions in Angular, let me provide you with a detailed explanation. Toggling... read more

As a registered CSS coaching and training expert on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of addressing specific queries related to CSS and web development. In response to your question about toggling more than one CSS class on different conditions in Angular, let me provide you with a detailed explanation.

Toggling Multiple CSS Classes in Angular

Angular provides a flexible and powerful way to manipulate CSS classes based on different conditions. You can certainly toggle more than one CSS class using various Angular features. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. ngClass Directive:

    • Angular's ngClass directive is a convenient way to dynamically add or remove CSS classes based on conditions.
    • Example:


    • <div [ngClass]="{'class1': condition1, 'class2': condition2, 'class3': condition3}"> <!-- Your content goes here --> </div>
    • In this example, class1, class2, and class3 will be applied or removed based on the corresponding conditions.
  • ngClass with Object Syntax:

    • You can use an object syntax for ngClass to make the code more readable and maintainable.
    • Example:


<div [ngClass]="classObject"> <!-- Your content goes here --> </div>


    • // In your component: classObject = { 'class1': condition1, 'class2': condition2, 'class3': condition3 };
  • ngClass with Array Syntax:

    • Alternatively, you can use an array syntax for ngClass if you prefer.
    • Example:
    • <div [ngClass]="[condition1 ? 'class1' : '', condition2 ? 'class2' : '', condition3 ? 'class3' : '']"> <!-- Your content goes here --> </div>
  • ngClass with Function Syntax:

    • For more complex scenarios, you can use a function to determine the classes dynamically.
    • Example:


<div [ngClass]="getClassNames()"> <!-- Your content goes here --> </div>
    • // In your component: getClassNames() { return { 'class1': condition1, 'class2': condition2, 'class3': condition3 }; }


In conclusion, Angular provides several approaches to toggle multiple CSS classes based on different conditions. Whether you prefer the object syntax, array syntax, or function syntax, you can choose the method that best suits your requirements. Feel free to reach out if you have further questions or if you need personalized CSS coaching and training.

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Answered on 08 Jan Learn CSS

Nazia Khanum

As an experienced CSS tutor registered on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of CSS class selectors and their proper implementation in web development. One common question that often arises is when to define CSS class selectors inside other class selector definitions. Let's delve into this topic... read more

As an experienced CSS tutor registered on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of CSS class selectors and their proper implementation in web development. One common question that often arises is when to define CSS class selectors inside other class selector definitions. Let's delve into this topic to provide a comprehensive answer.

Understanding CSS Class Selectors: CSS class selectors are crucial for styling HTML elements. They allow developers to apply consistent styles to multiple elements across different pages. When it comes to defining class selectors within other class selector definitions, certain scenarios call for this approach.

When to Define CSS Class Selectors Inside Other Class Selectors:

  1. Specificity Requirements:

    • If you need to increase the specificity of a particular style.
    • Defining class selectors inside other class selectors can help target elements more precisely.
  2. Nested HTML Structure:

    • When dealing with nested HTML structures.
    • Defining class selectors inside others allows for a more organized and targeted approach to styling elements within specific containers.
  3. Modular CSS Architecture:

    • In the context of modular CSS architecture.
    • Creating reusable and encapsulated styles by defining class selectors inside others enhances the modularity of your stylesheets.
  4. Avoiding Global Styles:

    • To prevent global styling conflicts.
    • By encapsulating styles within specific class selectors, you minimize the risk of unintended style overrides elsewhere in your project.
  5. SASS or SCSS Usage:

    • When working with preprocessor languages like SASS or SCSS.
    • These preprocessors allow for the nesting of selectors, making it a natural choice to define class selectors inside others for cleaner and more readable code.

Best Practices:

  • Limit Nesting Depth:

    • Avoid excessive nesting to maintain code readability.
    • Deeply nested styles can lead to specificity issues and make the code harder to maintain.
  • Use BEM (Block Element Modifier):

    • Consider using the BEM methodology for better organization.
    • BEM encourages a flat structure, reducing the need for extensive nesting.
  • Testing and Refactoring:

    • Regularly test your styles across different browsers.
    • Refactor your CSS if you encounter unexpected behavior due to overly complex selector nesting.

Conclusion: In the realm of CSS coaching and training, understanding when to define CSS class selectors inside other class selector definitions is pivotal. Balancing specificity requirements, HTML structure, modular architecture, and adhering to best practices ensures the development of clean, maintainable, and efficient stylesheets. Always consider the specific needs of your project and strive for a balance between specificity and simplicity in your CSS code.

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Answered on 08 Jan Learn CSS

Nazia Khanum

As a seasoned CSS coach and registered tutor on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of integrating JavaScript with CSS for dynamic web development. Detecting a specific CSS class on scrolling is a common requirement, and I'll guide you through the process. Methods for Detecting CSS Class on Scrolling: Event... read more

As a seasoned CSS coach and registered tutor on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of integrating JavaScript with CSS for dynamic web development. Detecting a specific CSS class on scrolling is a common requirement, and I'll guide you through the process.

Methods for Detecting CSS Class on Scrolling:

  1. Event Listeners:

    • Utilize the scroll event to trigger a function when scrolling occurs.
    • Add an event listener to the window object to capture scroll events.


  • window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { // Your detection logic here });
  • Get Element by Class:

    • Use document.getElementsByClassName() to get all elements with a specific class.
    • Iterate through the elements and check their positions.
  • window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { let elements = document.getElementsByClassName('your-css-class'); for (let element of elements) { // Check if element is in the viewport if (isElementInViewport(element)) { // Your action when the class is detected } } }); function isElementInViewport(el) { // Your logic to check if element is in the viewport }
  • Intersection Observer API:

    • Implement the Intersection Observer API for a more efficient and performant solution.
    • The API provides a callback when an observed element enters or exits the viewport.


  1. const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) { entries.forEach(entry => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { // Your action when the class is detected } }); }); const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.your-css-class'); elements.forEach(element => { observer.observe(element); });

Best Practices for CSS and JavaScript Integration:

  • Ensure proper CSS class naming conventions for easy identification.
  • Optimize your JavaScript code for performance, especially when dealing with scroll events.
  • Test your implementation across different browsers for compatibility.

Conclusion: By incorporating these techniques into your CSS coaching and training, you'll be equipped to teach your students how to seamlessly integrate JavaScript with CSS for dynamic and interactive web pages.

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Answered on 08 Jan Learn CSS

Nazia Khanum

As an experienced tutor registered on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of efficiently managing CSS classes, especially in TypeScript. Changing CSS classes dynamically in TypeScript involves a systematic approach to ensure a seamless user interface. Let's delve into the steps and best practices... read more

As an experienced tutor registered on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of efficiently managing CSS classes, especially in TypeScript. Changing CSS classes dynamically in TypeScript involves a systematic approach to ensure a seamless user interface. Let's delve into the steps and best practices for achieving this.

Steps to Change CSS Classes in TypeScript

  1. Accessing DOM Elements in TypeScript:

    • Begin by obtaining the reference to the HTML element you want to manipulate. This is often done using the document.getElementById or similar methods.
  2. Defining CSS Classes:

    • Clearly define the CSS classes that you intend to apply dynamically. This could be in a separate stylesheet or within the TypeScript file itself.
  3. Importing Necessary Libraries:

    • Import relevant libraries such as Element or HTMLElement in TypeScript to ensure proper type checking and access to DOM manipulation methods.
  4. Accessing and Modifying ClassList:

    • Use the classList property of the obtained DOM element to access and manipulate the classes.
    • Example:


    • const myElement = document.getElementById('myElementId'); myElement.classList.remove('oldClass'); myElement.classList.add('newClass');
  • Utilizing Ternary Operators for Dynamic Changes:

    • Employ ternary operators to make dynamic decisions when changing classes based on certain conditions.
    • Example:


    • const isConditionMet: boolean = // your condition here; myElement.classList.toggle('conditionalClass', isConditionMet);
  1. Encapsulation and Best Practices:

    • Encapsulate the logic for changing classes into functions or methods for better maintainability.
    • Follow best practices like avoiding direct style manipulations for improved code readability and maintainability.
  2. CSS Modules and TypeScript:

    • If applicable, consider using CSS Modules with TypeScript for a more modular and type-safe approach to styling.

Recommended CSS Online Coaching for TypeScript

For a more in-depth understanding of TypeScript and CSS integration, consider enrolling in reputable online coaching programs. UrbanPro.com offers a platform where you can find experienced tutors providing comprehensive training in CSS and TypeScript. Here are some suggested courses:

  • CSS Online Coaching:
    • Explore various online coaching options specializing in CSS to enhance your styling skills.
  • TypeScript Training:
    • Enroll in TypeScript training courses to master the integration of TypeScript with web development technologies.


Changing CSS classes in TypeScript requires a systematic approach, and with the right coaching and training, you can enhance your skills in this area. Explore the offerings on UrbanPro.com to find the best online coaching for CSS and TypeScript, ensuring you stay updated with the latest techniques and best practices.

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Answered on 08 Jan Learn CSS

Nazia Khanum

As an experienced tutor registered on UrbanPro.com specializing in CSS Coaching and Training, I can guide you on adding buttons and CSS classes to TinyMCE on WordPress. This customization allows you to enhance the styling and functionality of your WordPress editor. Procedure for Adding Buttons: Access... read more

As an experienced tutor registered on UrbanPro.com specializing in CSS Coaching and Training, I can guide you on adding buttons and CSS classes to TinyMCE on WordPress. This customization allows you to enhance the styling and functionality of your WordPress editor.

Procedure for Adding Buttons:

  1. Access the WordPress Admin Panel:

    • Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Navigate to TinyMCE Advanced Plugin:

    • Go to the "Plugins" section.
    • Search for and install the "TinyMCE Advanced" plugin.
  3. Configure TinyMCE Advanced Settings:

    • Once activated, go to "Settings" and select "TinyMCE Advanced."
    • Drag and drop the desired buttons from the unused buttons section to the toolbar.
  4. Save Changes:

    • Save changes to update the TinyMCE editor with the new buttons.

Adding CSS Classes:

  1. Access Theme Editor:

    • Navigate to "Appearance" and select "Theme Editor."
  2. Locate Stylesheet (style.css):

    • Find and select the "style.css" file from the list of theme files on the right.
  3. Add CSS Classes:

    • Insert your custom CSS classes. For example:
    • .custom-button { background-color: #3498db; color: #ffffff; padding: 10px 20px; border-radius: 5px; }
  1. Update and Save:

    • Click the "Update File" button to save your changes.

Alternative Method (Using Customizer):

  1. Access Theme Customizer:

    • Go to "Appearance" and select "Customize."
  2. Additional CSS Section:

    • Look for the "Additional CSS" section.
  3. Add Your CSS Classes:

    • Insert your custom CSS classes.
  4. Publish Changes:

    • Click the "Publish" button to save and apply your CSS classes.

Testing Your Changes:

  1. Create or Edit a Post/Page:

    • Open the TinyMCE editor within a post or page.
  2. Verify Added Buttons:

    • Check if the added buttons are visible in the editor toolbar.
  3. Apply CSS Classes:

    • Use the "Text" view in the editor to manually apply your CSS classes to elements.

Conclusion: By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate additional buttons and CSS classes into TinyMCE on WordPress, enhancing your editing capabilities and overall website design. For more personalized guidance, consider enrolling in CSS online coaching sessions with me through UrbanPro.com for in-depth training and support.

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Answered on 08 Jan Learn CSS

Nazia Khanum

As a seasoned tutor specializing in CSS Coaching and Training registered on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of addressing common challenges faced by learners. One such query often encountered is the difficulty in targeting multiple select fields when the CSS class does not work. In this response,... read more

As a seasoned tutor specializing in CSS Coaching and Training registered on UrbanPro.com, I understand the importance of addressing common challenges faced by learners. One such query often encountered is the difficulty in targeting multiple select fields when the CSS class does not work. In this response, I will provide a comprehensive solution to overcome this issue.

Understanding the Problem

When attempting to style or manipulate multiple select fields using CSS, the standard approach involves using the class selector. However, there are instances where this method may not work as expected.

Solutions for Targeting Multiple Select Fields

1. Using Attribute Selector:

  • Instead of relying solely on class selectors, leverage attribute selectors to target multiple select fields.
  • Example:
  • select[multiple] { /* Your styles here */ }

2. Combining Class and Attribute Selectors:

  • Combine class and attribute selectors for a more specific targeting approach.
  • Example:
  • .custom-select[multiple] { /* Your styles here */ }

3. ID Selector:

  • If each select field has a unique ID, use the ID selector for precise targeting.
  • Example:
  • #select1, #select2 { /* Your styles here */ }

4. Using Descendant Selector:

  • Utilize the descendant selector to target select fields within a specific container.
  • Example:
  • .container select { /* Your styles here */ }

5. JavaScript or jQuery:

  • If CSS alone is insufficient, consider using JavaScript or jQuery to dynamically apply styles.
  • Example (jQuery):
  • $('select[multiple]').css({ /* Your styles here */ });


In the realm of CSS Coaching and Training, encountering challenges is a part of the learning process. By implementing the strategies mentioned above, you can effectively target multiple select fields even when the traditional class selector proves ineffective. For personalized guidance and in-depth understanding, feel free to reach out for CSS online coaching sessions through UrbanPro.com, where I offer the best online coaching for CSS Training.

Remember, mastering CSS requires practice and continuous learning, and I am here to assist you every step of the way.

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Answered on 08 Jan Learn CSS

Nazia Khanum

As an experienced tutor registered on UrbanPro.com specializing in CSS Coaching and Training, I can guide you through the process of assigning a CSS class to the stock quantity in WooCommerce. This customization will help you enhance the visual representation of stock information on your WooCommerce... read more

As an experienced tutor registered on UrbanPro.com specializing in CSS Coaching and Training, I can guide you through the process of assigning a CSS class to the stock quantity in WooCommerce. This customization will help you enhance the visual representation of stock information on your WooCommerce website.

Steps to Assign CSS Class to Stock Quantity in WooCommerce

  1. Accessing the WordPress Dashboard:

    • Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigating to WooCommerce Settings:

    • Click on "WooCommerce" in the left-hand menu.
    • Select "Settings."
  3. Locating the Theme Customizer:

    • Go to the "Advanced" tab within the "Settings" page.
    • Find and click on "Customizer."
  4. Accessing Additional CSS:

    • Inside the Customizer, look for the "Additional CSS" section.
  5. Identifying the Stock Quantity Element:

    • Inspect the stock quantity element on your product page using your browser's developer tools.
    • Note the HTML tag or class associated with the stock quantity.
  6. Writing Custom CSS:

    • In the "Additional CSS" section, write CSS code to target the identified stock quantity element.
    • Use a unique class or identifier to avoid conflicts with existing styles.
  1. /* Example CSS code to assign a class to the stock quantity */ .custom-stock-class { /* Your styling properties here */ color: #0073e6; font-weight: bold; }
  2. Saving Changes:

    • Save the changes made in the Customizer.
  3. Testing:

    • Visit a product page on your WooCommerce site to ensure that the custom CSS class is applied to the stock quantity.

Why Choose CSS Online Coaching on UrbanPro.com?

  • Expert Guidance:

    • Benefit from personalized guidance from experienced CSS tutors registered on UrbanPro.com.
  • Flexible Learning:

    • CSS online coaching offers flexibility in learning schedules, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
  • Practical Examples:

    • Tutors on UrbanPro.com provide practical examples and real-world applications to reinforce your CSS skills.
  • Interactive Sessions:

    • Engage in interactive sessions with tutors, addressing specific queries and challenges related to CSS customization.

By following these steps and considering CSS coaching on UrbanPro.com, you can effectively assign a CSS class to the stock quantity in WooCommerce, enhancing the visual presentation of your online store.

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Answered on 08 Jan Learn CSS

Nazia Khanum

As a seasoned tutor registered on UrbanPro.com, I specialize in providing comprehensive CSS coaching and training. Today, I'll guide you on how to add CSS to WordPress, ensuring your website reflects your unique style and design preferences. Steps to Add CSS to WordPress: Accessing WordPress Dashboard: Log... read more

As a seasoned tutor registered on UrbanPro.com, I specialize in providing comprehensive CSS coaching and training. Today, I'll guide you on how to add CSS to WordPress, ensuring your website reflects your unique style and design preferences.

Steps to Add CSS to WordPress:

  1. Accessing WordPress Dashboard:

  2. Locating the Theme Editor:

    • In the dashboard, find and click on "Appearance."
    • Select "Theme Editor" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Selecting the Stylesheet (style.css):

    • On the right-hand side, you'll see a list of theme files. Look for "style.css" and click on it.
  4. Adding Custom CSS Code:

    • Once in the "style.css" file, you can add your custom CSS code.
    • Be cautious when modifying code to avoid errors. Consider using a child theme for more advanced customization.
  5. Previewing Changes:

    • Before saving changes, use the "Preview" button to see how your modifications affect the site.
    • This helps you avoid potential issues and ensures the desired outcome.
  6. Saving Changes:

    • If satisfied with the preview, click on the "Update File" button to save your changes.

Best Practices for CSS Online Coaching:

  1. Understanding CSS Fundamentals:

    • Enroll in a structured CSS online coaching program to grasp fundamental concepts.
    • Focus on selectors, properties, values, and the box model.
  2. Hands-On Practice:

    • Utilize online platforms offering coding challenges and projects.
    • Practical application reinforces theoretical knowledge.
  3. Responsive Design Techniques:

    • Learn responsive design principles to create websites that adapt to different devices.
    • Explore media queries and flexible grid layouts.
  4. Stay Updated with Industry Trends:

    • CSS evolves, and staying current is crucial. Follow blogs, forums, and tutorials to keep abreast of the latest trends and best practices.
  5. Join CSS Communities:

    • Engage with CSS communities online to exchange ideas, seek advice, and learn from experienced developers.


Adding CSS to WordPress is a skill that can enhance your website's appearance and functionality. For a more in-depth understanding and personalized guidance, consider enrolling in a CSS coaching and training program available on platforms like UrbanPro.com. This will ensure you receive expert guidance and stay ahead in the ever-evolving field of web development.

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